Uniquely Human
Uniquely Human
What Is It That Distinguishes Us?
How We Differ from Chimps
It’s a thin line, but it’s definitely there.
War and Peace
The evolution of good, evil, and the roots of human distinctiveness.
“Some People Swear Their Houseplants Are Conscious”
Consciousness expert Michael Graziano on what, if anything, makes us uniquely human.
What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Rick Potts, director of the Smithsonian’s Human Origins Program, addresses the question.
Uniqueness, Evolution, and Faith
Can all three co-exist?
Maybe We’re Not That Unique
A perspective from Brother Guy Consolmagno, astronomer and theologian.
Are We All That Different from Primates?
We might not be quite as unique as we think, explains Sarah Brosnan.
The Human Niche
Agustín Fuentes says our capacity for belief is part of what makes us unique.