Science, Culture, Meaning
Science, Culture, Meaning
with Adam Frank and Marcelo Gleiser

I Wonder as I Wander
Why we need sacred places.

Life Lessons from the Sun
Observing the great gas giant helps me to keep important things in perspective.

Is Big Business Finding a Soul?
Changing times demand changing leadership principles.

The Evolution of Climate Science
Since the late 1800s, what we know has advanced light years ahead.

Tangible Pervasiveness
Matter can indeed sprout out of nothingness, causing the universe to expand.

Mind vs. Matter
If the materialistic view alone can’t explain the mind, then what?

The Joy of Finding Out
The process of digging into hard questions makes the moment of discovery all the more satisfying.

Who—or What—Caused the First Cause?
Archetypes of creation and the origin of all things.

Cut, Paste, Life
Unnatural Selection and the thrilling, terrifying possibilities of genetic editing.

The Weirdness Behind Quantum Supremacy
Superposition, entanglement, qubits, and Google’s big announcement.