It is no secret that the American religious landscape is in the midst of a profound shift, as “faith transitions” have become a regular cultural phenomenon. Significant percentages of young people raised in the Church are “graduating” from their faith as they graduate from high school and into adulthood. The factors behind this trend are numerous and complex. Emerging adults are immersed into a dizzying world of diverse worldviews and opinions, and the process of developing an adult identity is growing ever more difficult. Far too many Christian youth enter this phase of life underprepared and overwhelmed. Their faith no longer makes sense of the world. In many cases, they simply drift away from the faith sometime between age 18-30, becoming one of the myriad “nones.”
According to many of these “nones,” a key issue that drove them away from faith was an inability to understand how science and faith could be in harmony. Pastor, author, and scholar Greg Cootsona wants to change this. In his new book Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults, Cootsona tackles the tough issues head on: evolution, Adam and Eve, Intelligent Design, the Big Bang, and even the intersection of faith and technology