Black Holes Galore! Natalie Wolchover | Quanta | Jan 15, 2019 | Nature | Cosmos Renowned physicist Leonard Susskind has identified a possible quantum origin for the ever-growing volume of black holes.
The Future of Science and Humanity Claudia Dreifus | Quanta | Jan 14, 2019 | Nature | AI/The Future Martin Rees on the promise and potential dangers of the science and technology of the future.
New View of Reality? Anil Ananthaswamy | Quanta | Jan 13, 2019 | Nature | Quantum New quantum paradox clarifies where our views of reality go wrong.
The Matter of Dark Matter Jamie Farnes | The Conversation | Jan 12, 2019 | Nature | Quantum My research suggests that bizarre “dark fluid” with negative mass could dominate the universe.
FRB 180814.J0422+73 Calling Trevor Nace | Forbes | Jan 10, 2019 | Nature | Cosmos Repeating radio bursts detected from a galaxy 1.5 billion light years away.
What We Can Learn from Ultima Thule Adam Frank | Jan 8, 2019 | 13.8 Blog | Nature | Cosmos From 4 billion miles away, it says a lot about the meaning of time.