What We Get Wrong About the Evolution Debate Adam Shapiro | American Scientist | Mar 4, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Philosophy The prevailing narrative juxtaposes science and religion—but this approach erases the root influences of social inequality and racism.
The Future Is Wide Open Alison Fernandes | Aeon | Mar 2, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Philosophy Or is it?
The Phenomena of Moral Licensing Abbas Panjwani | Nautilus | Feb 28, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Character/Virtue Theory posits that when humans are good, it says, we give ourselves license to be bad.
How Many Creationists in America? Cary Funk, Greg Smith, David Masci | Scientific American | Feb 25, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Religion A new survey shows the number can vary considerably depending how you ask questions about evolution.
Christian Wisdom in the Biotech Age Deborah Haarsma | BioLogos | Feb 25, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Philosophy What does it mean to be made in God’s image in an age when human DNA can be edited?
Resilience and Spiritual Fortitude Jamie Aten | Psychology Today | Feb 24, 2019 | Culture & Belief | Character/Virtue An interview with Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Associate Professor of Psychology at Hope College.